Where ever you go as a Christian

Where ever you go as a Christian, you will always be approached and rebuked that the Bible cannot be proven. WELL YES IT CAN!

The important part is, …are you willing to hear the facts and accept them? Do you need to prove the Bible without using the Bible or do you stand on the Bible as your foundation.

Do you know there is more proof and evidence that the Bible is based on true events and factual information, than that of any other book. If you are open minded and a believer if facts then why not explore the facts with us. And if the facts are not good enough then what about the supernatural evidence that you hear about concerning unexplainable healings, people dying and coming back to life seeing the same person as other (Jesus), dreams that lead people to do beautiful and unbelievable acts of kindness, and of course much more that we all know exist.

Well as you know this is what this website is all about so here we go…